A message from the founder

It is well known that the Halandri Gymnastics Club is the Greatest Association of Halandri and its contribution to the local community and especially to the youth is invaluable as it brought for the first time all the other sports except football in our city. From his viscera AOK Halandriou, PAK was created. Halandriou, Philippos Halandriou and the cause for the creation of Prometheus, Trifylliakos and the Tufas Sports Department. In today's crisis, which is not only economic but social, a crisis of values, cultural, Sport can provide a way out, bringing together young people, mitigating differences in a multicultural society.

For our success we need to bring together the efforts of all: the Board, members and friends of the Association, State, Municipal Authority. Our current mandate will be a milestone in the long-running course of the club, because we have a Web site, we run European Programs and we have one of the best management boards in recent years.    
Νίκος Πανταζής